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  • Writer's pictureAndrey Jacob

What can be done if the At-Fault driver lies to the Insurance Company?

In many car accidents, it has been observed the driver at fault ignores to accept the liability. This creates a problem when you file a claim for your injuries, and the driver denies taking any responsibility for the accident. It is imperative to establish who caused the accident to get fair compensation for your injuries and damage.

If the at-fault driver lies and denies liability for the damage, you need to take proper steps to protect your claim. The foremost step you can take is to hire one of the best car accident lawyers in Perth.

How you should protect yourself from an At-fault Driver’s lie

Let’s look into the steps you can take to prove the driver’s fault.

1. Give a statement to the police

If you see the at-fault driver is doing everything to deny fault or speaking a lie to the police, don’t lose your temper and avoid confronting the person about their alleged lies. Narrate your truth to the police and provide a sequence of events.

2. Speak to witnesses at the scene

Make sure to speak to witnesses of the accident before making an official statement to the police. These eyewitnesses might help confirm your version of events to the police and the insurance company.

You may also consider hiring traffic lawyers Perth if you notice the at-fault driver has violated any of the traffic laws.

3. Collect Evidence

If you think or feel you can gather evidence from the scene of the crash, you should do so. This can include:

  1. Photos

  2. Visibility conditions

  3. Road conditions

  4. Damage to property

  5. Skid marks

4. Be consistent

When you provide a statement to the police and the insurance company, maintain the consistency of your answers. If you twist and turn, it may question your credibility and affect the compensation.

Hire a car accident attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve.

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